Monday, December 5, 2011

Crochet your own catnip toys!

When I was younger my grandmother taught me to crochet, and even today I still enjoy it. In my search for D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself) cat toy tutorials I came across this adorable crochet pattern on Mollie's Blog of Stuff for an "Easy Peasy Catnip Mouse."To be honest I never learned to read patterns (I wish I had), but judging by the comments it is a fairly simple one. I may have to have one of my crocheting friends teach me to read patterns so I can make these cute toys for my kitties! The best part is that they take very little yarn, so they are a great craft for using up all those leftover pieces from other projects! Wouldn't your kitty love to get one of these in their stockings?

Easy Peasy Catnip Mouse

Materials Needed:

Small amount of scrap acrylic yarn, small amount of good quality catnip, 3.5mm crochet hook, some stuffing, jingle bell (optional).


Ch 17,
Row 1: sc in 2nd st from hook and continue till the end. This will make the tail.
Row 2: Next, make 7 sc in the last loop of the tail (ie. In last sc). (7st total)
Row 3: We will be working in a spiral so do not sl st into the first of the 7 sc. Next, do 2sc in each sc (14st total)
Row 4: *sc in 1st sc, 2sc in 2nd sc* repeat 6 times. (21st total)
Row 5-7: sc in each sc
Row 8: sc in first 5 sc, sc next two sts tog. Repeat until you can just snugly fit your index finger into the top of the mouse. Stuff with catnip and stuffing (and bell).

*next we add the ears. Get another colour of yarn, join it to the outer lip of one sc, as we will use the inner lip to complete the mouse. Ch 2, then in the same sc make 2 dc, sl st in same sc lip. Next, sl st in the outer lip of the next stitch, and the one after. Next, ch 2, 2dc and sl st. tie and cut off.

Row 9: Continue with sc in 1st sc, sc next 2 sts tog, until you only have 7 sts around left. After which just sc next 2 sts tog until you are left with about 3 sts. Leave a 3 inch tail of yarn to seal and secure.

Weave in any loose ends into the mouse, et voilá!!! You have a catnip mouse!

Thank you Mollie for posting such a great pattern!