We are Boston sports fans in our house. I am sitting curled up with a Red Sox blanket on the couch, and my fiance just walked in wearing his New England Patriots sweatshirt. So last June, in the midst of the Stanley Cup playoffs, when we brought two kittens into our home, it seemed only logical that we named the all black kitten Bruin.
When we got the kittens, the Boston Bruins had already lost 2 games to the Canucks. The next game my fiance curled up with his new kitten, and the two of them watched the game together. And the Bruins won! The next game, same thing, with our little kitten watching the TV in awe as she tried to figure out what was moving on the screen. Again, the Bruins won. The next game we were over a friend's, without our kitty, and the Bruins lost. That was it for my fiance - he and Bruin watched the rest of the games together, curled up on the couch in the living room, both sets of eyes glued to the the TV (and yes, I know that cats don't watch TV, but she really did. Maybe she was just trying to impress her new family), and the Bruins won the Stanley Cup that year. My fiance is convinced it was all because of our special kitty.
Bruin is our black and gold kitty. She has a yellow collar. Her favorite thing in the world is to curl up on our Bruins blanket (she cries when we move it or it has to be washed). And yes, she even continues to watch hockey games on TV with my fiance. So is it all in a name? I can't be sure, but I do know that we definitely have a little hockey fan in our home.

The kitties (Boots and his sister Bruin) and I are participating in a Blog Hop over at
Tillman Skates! to win a 1,000 lb. donation of Nature's Balance to our shelter or rescue of choice! The kitties know how important finding the right family is, and how expensive it can be to feed so many animals, and so they want to win the prize to help homeless pets. Look for our weekly entries, and check out the other blogs participating. No matter who wins, the biggest winners are the shelters and rescues that receive the donations.